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Building a Blog Part 4 - Deploying to Amazon S3

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Going Live #

After Building a Blog Part 3 - Continuous Integration with Gitlab CI - its time to automate deploying our blog to a host.

Amazon’s Simple Storage Service (S3) is a good choice for serving static assets on the cheap. S3 is a bit different from a traditional VPC like DigitalOcean or Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2).

Pros #

Very cheap - With AWS you pay as you go. Rather then paying $5-10 a month running a server for our static site, we can store our site for fractions of a penny:

First 1 TB / month $0.0300 per GB

AWS S3 Pricing

and only pay for the requests to our bucket:

PUT, COPY, POST, or LIST Requests $0.005 per 1,000 requests
GET and all other Requests $0.004 per 10,000 requests
Delete Requests Free †

Cons #

S3’s API isn’t like DropBox or Google Drive. While uploading individual files to a bucket is easy with the S3 Web interface, uploading nested folders isn’t so straight forward.

Just like a Linux filesystem, S3 filenames include the full path started at the bucket root.


creates two folders: posts and a sub-folder some_post. Rather then generating these folder structures manually, AWS has published SDKs in many languages.

Setup #

Create IAM account #

Its best practice to create seperate accounts for applications accessing AWS resources. This way if your root credentials are ever comprimised, you can rotate credentials and keep your AWS account secure.

Login to your AWS account and browse to > Security Credentials > Users and click Create New Users. I named my user gitlab since I’ll be using this user for all Gitlab related integrations with AWS.

I gave my IAM user AmazonS3FullAccess powers - we can trim the permissions down later.

Configure S3 bucket for web hosting #

Create an S3 bucket and give it the name of your domain. In this case my domain is Enable web-hosting for your bucket:

enable static web hosting for the S3 bucket

This doesn’t expose our files to the outside world. Lets give visitors permission to view our site:

Click on Permissions > Edit bucket policy and add the below policy:

	"Version": "2012-10-17",
	"Statement": [
			"Sid": "AddPerm",
			"Effect": "Allow",
			"Principal": "*",
			"Action": [
			"Resource": [

swapping out bucketname for the name of your bucket. For this site I set it to:


Script #

ruby - a programming language and precious gem

Since our Jekyll site is Ruby-based, it would make sense to write our deployment script in the same language for easy chaining of build, test, and deploying our site.

I’ve written a Ruby gem for uploading a Jekyll to an S3 bucket:

deploy_jekyll_s3 gem

This script will copy the contents of the _site directory to the specified S3 bucket.

Integrating with CI #

Gitlab gives us a nice interface for specifying our AWS IAM credentials as well as S3 bucket without hard coding them into our gem.

The deploy_jekyll_s3 gem expects the following ENV variables:


Let’s configure them for our Gitlab project. Browse to your project > Settings > Variables.

gitlab project variables

Now lets modify the .gitlab-ci.yml to run the deploy_jekyll_s3 gem on the deploy step, after building and testing.

.gitlab-ci.yml #

image: ruby:2.3

  - build
  - test
  - deploy

  - apt-get update >/dev/null
  - apt-get install -y locales >/dev/null
  - echo "en_US UTF-8" > /etc/locale.gen
  - locale-gen en_US.UTF-8
  - export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
  - export LANGUAGE=en_US:en
  - export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
  - bundle install --jobs $(nproc) --path=/cache/bundler
  stage: build
    - bundle exec jekyll build
    - master

  stage: test
    - bundle exec htmlproofer _site
    - master

  stage: deploy
    - scripts/cideploy
    - master

cideploy #

I was seeing issues with the _site directory being available so I build it again during the deploy step:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -e # halt script on error

bundle exec jekyll build
bundle exec deploy_jekyll_s3 --verbose deploy

Automagical Deployments #

Run git push gitlab master and we upload our site to S3:

CI deploy passed

and here we can see our site copied into the S3 bucket we specified in the Gitlab Environment variables:

S3 bucket with _site files

Troubleshooting #

SVGs not loading #

SVG mimetype is text/xml?

Looks like most of our images are loading, but not the images we use for logos.

SVG mimetype is text/xml?

Looks like our SVGs have the wrong mimetype. It looks like AWS needs to be told what mimetype to set. The mimetype for .SVG is image/svg+xml.

Lets update the code uploading our assets to add the correct mimetype. Using the ruby-filemagic we can apply the mimetype as well as a checksum to track which version of the file is in S3.

def upload
	fm =
	fs_to_s3_map = generate_s3_paths
	fs_to_s3_map.keys.each do |key|
		fs_path = fs_to_s3_map[key]
		mime_type = fm.file(fs_path)
		checksum = Digest::SHA2.hexdigest(
		metadata = {
		  "checksum" => checksum
		if @options[:verbose]
          puts "uploading file to S3: #{key} MIME: #{mime_type} CHKSUM: #{checksum}"
		unless is_dryrun
		  bucket = _get_bucket
		  object = bucket.object(key)
	  	  object.put(:body =>, :content_type => mime_type, :metadata => metadata)
	return fs_to_s3_map
correct SVG mimetype getting applied

and that solves our mimetype problem.

Note: ruby-filemagic seems to stumble on .css files. I’ve added a custom check that looks to the file extension and adds my specified mimetype or falls back to ruby-filemagic otherwise:

# FileMagic gets these wrong
def _mimetype_from_ext(filename)
  case File.extname(filename)
  when '.css'
    return 'text/css'

def get_mimetype(path)
  mime_type = _mimetype_from_ext(path)
  if mime_type.to_s.empty?
    mime_type = @fm.file(path)
  return mime_type